Halloween Masks


Halloween masks are one aspect of Halloween costumes that I especially love. A well made Halloween mask can make any costume. Masks are so powerful they can become a costume in and of them selves as well. People have been using masks for thousands and thousands of years for a variety of reasons because of the powerful message they send. Masks can strike fear, conceal your identity, give you a different identity, illicit humor, or change the way people interact with you. Masks have great cultural power as well, just think of how popular the Nixon mask has become and the message that it sends.

Halloween masks allow you to be anyone you want to be whether it is a famous politician, a character from your favorite movie, or even an animal. You can also become a monster such as a zombie, a werewolf, Frankenstein’s monster, or any other you can think of. Another great thing about Halloween masks is as manufacturing processes improve, the masks get more and more realistic each year. Some of the newer masks are downright frightening to me, and I love Halloween! So I recommend that you shop around and put some thought into getting a great Halloween mask this year. There are so many great ones to choose from including, Darth Vader, a horse head, Barack Obama, Batman, a monkey head, Bill Clinton, and so many more. And do not forget that these masks can be used for pranks year round, so you do not only have to use them around Halloween. In fact, the effect is much greater when people are not expecting you to be wearing a mask!

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